Everything is Fine is a horror Webtoon Original created by Mike Birchall; it updates every Monday.( SPOILERS)
Sam and Maggie are a normal couple, in a normal house, in a normal neighborhood. There is nothing strange about their heads, their neighbors or their sweet little dog. Everything is Fine.

Maggie is the female lead character of the series. Maggie has a faintly pink helmet and tan skin.

Sam is the male lead of the series. Sam has a faintly blue helmet and tan skin.

Charlie has a faintly blue-green helmet, with green inner ears, and peachy skin.

Charlie currently.
Bob Miller[]

Bob has a faintly orange helmet and pale skin.
Linda Miller[]

Linda has a faintly tan helmet, with yellow inner ears, and dark peachy skin.

Tom has a pastel blue helmet, with an adhesive brown mustache which is styled to be evenly straight, and pale skin.

Judy has a pastel purple helmet, with purple inner ears, and pale skin.

Pete has a pastel green helmet, with a brown adhesive mustache which is styled to point up at the corners, and pale skin. He has sunglasses tucked into his shirt collar.

Greg has a periwinkle helmet, with purple inner ears, a brown adhesive mustache that is styled to hang down at the corners, and pale skin. Greg wears a purple bowtie.

Julian has a pink helmet with a yellow butterfly on the left side, and brown skin.

Laura has a minty blue helmet with a pink heart over the right eye, and peachy skin. She is current the Mayor of Lakeview.

Sarah is Maggie and Sam's daughter.
Sophie and Kate[]

Sophie has a canary yellow helmet with three overlapping squares on the left eye. Kate has a mint green helmet with a yellow and lilac shooting star on the right side.

Dave has a pastel green helmet with tan inner ears, and pale skin.

Becky has a pink helmet with pastel green inner ears, and brown skin.

Gina has a pastel blue helmet, with pastel green inner ears, and pale skin.

Chris has a pastel orange helmet, with pink inner ears, and brown skin.

Gladys has a pastel green helmet with a yellow peace sign symbol on the left side, and brown skin.

Glen has a pastel lilac helmet with a pink tulip flower on the right side, and dark peachy skin.

Nicole has a pale purple helmet, with yellow inner ears, missing the left eye, and tan skin.

Tim has a faintly yellow helmet, with mint green inner ears, and is missing both eyes.

Ormel has a flawed blue helmet and tan skin.
Please Hold[]

Please Hold is a child with a white helmet, with grey inner ears, and tan skin.

Horace has a tan homemade helmet with semi-transparent green eyes.
Season One[]
Sam and Maggie live in a neighborhood in a world where everybody wears a giant cat mask over their heads, and are forbidden to speak about the reason. Maggie pretends that their dog Winston is alive when in reality it is a rotting dog corpse. Their neighbor Charlie is acting strange and buying tinfoil for his train collection in his basement, while their other neighbors Bob and Linda are very friendly. At dinner, Sam carries a bag of trash outside, which he poisoned, and is met by a disheveled man with a torn mask. He bothers Sam and Maggie outside their window for food and Sam brings Winston outside, who the man eats.
At Bob and Linda's dinner, Maggie attempts to mention Winston's death but Sam asks her not to. Bob and Linda announce that they are moving to Lakeview, and ask Maggie, Sam and Charlie to go with them. Charlie invites Maggie to his basement tomorrow, which is heard by Linda. As Charlie tries to show Maggie the basement the next day, he is stopped by Officer Tom, who checks his basement and designates him red-status, forcing him to evacuate his house and not talk to the residents, causing Charlie to feel immense pain and claw out part of his mask.
Maggie forces herself to forget numerous things throughout the house, such as a third toothbrush alongside hers and Sam's and a third rose on a painting, being unable to forget a third swing at the park. She tries to talk to Linda about Charlie but Linda claims she has never heard of anyone under that name, and later is met by Tom at the park who asks her about Charlie, forcing her to lie. Maggie has a breakdown and attempts to slit her throat with a mirror shard but instead has a vision of her and Sam, along with their daughter. She goes into Charlie's basement where she discovers a drawing made by his daughter Charlotte, also discovering that Charlie converted the basement into a Faraday Cage by coating it in tinfoil.
Maggie is given tinfoil by a woman named Judy. At her home a week later, Tom arrives and asks Sam to take him into the basement, which they discover is coated in foil. Maggie arrives at the stairs with a hammer, which she uses to cave in Tom's head. Tom attempts to plead by giving the names of his children, Davey and Peter, but Maggie gives the name of Charlie and his daughter, Charlotte, and then crushes Tom’s skull with the hammer, hitting him repeatedly in the face, killing him. Maggie convinces Sam to help her and they plan to frame the murder on Bob and Linda, with Bob and Linda having their own Faraday Cage.
The police, with the help of Sam and Maggie, discover Tom's corpse in Bob and Linda's house and designate them red-status. Linda attacks them with a kitchen knife but is shot by an officer with a taser and watches in a screen in her mask as her and Bob's two children are urged to commit suicide by an unknown force. Their children fall off a building to their deaths, rendering Bob and Linda catatonic. Sam and Maggie are then told that they must move to Lakeview. As they drive, they witness multiple neighborhoods, including theirs, be incinerated. They soon arrive in Lakeview, and are introduced to Julian, the self-proclaimed “Welcome Wagon”. The mayor, Laura, then appears, who Sam and Maggie recognize as Tom’s wife. She greets them both, and alludes to the fact that she knows they killed her husband. She then states that, Everything is fine.
Season One[]
- Ep.1 — "The New Forever"
- Ep.2 — "Swings and Roundabouts"
- Ep.3 — "Mom's Spaghetti"
- Ep.4 — "Mise en Place" 🎵
- Ep.5 — "Had to be There"
- Ep.6 — "Friends for Dinner"
- Ep.7 — "Peep Show"
- Ep.8 — "Echoed Julia"
- Ep.9 — "An Iron Voice"
- Ep.10 — "Forget Me Not"
- Ep.11 — "Carrot and Stick"
- Ep.12 — "Crocodile Teeth"
- Ep.13 — "Science 101"
- Ep.14 — "Supply Chain"
- Ep.15 — "Try it at Home"
- Ep.16 — "Animals Are Free"
- Ep.17 — "Since Last Accident"
- Ep.18 — "Funny How"
- Ep.19 — "Protect and Serve"
- Ep.20 — "Working the Angles"
- Ep.21 — "One More Time"
- Ep.22 — "Every Unhappy Family"
- Ep.23 — "One Body Problem"
- Ep.24 — "Desperate Times"
- Ep.25 — "Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru"
- Ep.26 — "No Going Back"
- Ep.27 — "Heat Death" 🎵
- Ep.28 — "Pleasure to Burn"
- Ep.29 — "All Good Things" (Season Finale) 🎵
- Mini Episode 1 — Oscar
- Mini Episode 2 — Oscar Part Two
- Mini Episode 3 — Oscar Part Three
- Mini Episode 4 — Oscar Part Four (Finale)
- Q&A and Fanart!
Season Two[]
- Ep.30 — "Welcome to Lakeview" (Season 2 Preview)
- Ep.31 — "The Players"
- Ep.32 — "The Game"
- Ep.33 — "The Play"
- Ep.34 — "The Rules"
- Ep.35 — "The Losers"
- Ep.36 — "The Prize"
- Ep.37 — "I Made You This"
- Ep.38 — "Here Boy"
- Ep.39 — "Friend of a Friend"
- Ep.40 — "Captain Feelbad"
- Ep.41 — "This Mysterious Stranger"
- Ep.42 — "Third-Party Logistics"
- Ep.43 — "Where You're Going"
- Ep.44 — "Extend the Neck"
- Ep.45 — "Catch and Release"
- Ep.46 — "Connective Tissue"
- Ep.47 — "That Lonely You"
- Ep.48 — "Humane Dispatch"
- Ep.49 — "A Good Person"
- Ep.50 — "Did I Do That?"
- Ep.51 — "Like Heck"
- Ep.52 — "For Our Sins"
- Ep.53 — "The Nameless Monster"
- Ep.54 — "Sunflower Boy"
- Ep.55 — "Carry The Fire"
- Ep.56 — "How Like A Mirror Too"
- Ep.57 — “Rise”
- Ep.58 — “Fall”
- Ep.59 — “What Was”
- Ep.60 — “What Will Be" (Season 2 Finale)
- Ep.61 — “What Happens” (Season 3 Premiere)
Season Three[]
- Ep.62 — “The Plan”
- Ep.63 — “The Part Where You Die”
- Ep.64 — “Enargeia”
- Ep.65 — “Desire Path”
- Ep.66 — “The Weight of Warm”
- Ep.67 — “Tears in Rain”
- Ep.68 — “The Opening Thread”
- Ep.69 — “Use A Drink”
- Ep.70 — “I Will Diminish”
- Ep.71 — “Weeds in Silver Hair”
- Ep.72 — “WINSTON, Part One”
- Ep.73 — “WINSTON, Part Two”
- Ep.74 — “Jump the Croc”
- Ep.75 — “The Ball is Rolling Up”
- Ep.76 — “Warm Again”
- Ep.77 — “Post Acid”
- Ep.78 — “Green Eyes”
- Ep.79 — “Baby Say Goodbye”
- Ep.80 — “Okayposition”
- Ep.81 — "When Nothing Shines"
- Ep.82 — "Bandits and Bullets"
- Ep.83 — "Something Blue"
- Ep.84- Something Borrowed
- Ep.85- Something New
- Ep.86- And So On
- Ep.87- We Made It
- Ep.88- Purrgatory
- Ep.89-Seven
- Ep.90- Obedience (Season Finale)